Welcome to FlyCI & Wingman 🚀

Welcome to FlyCI - the Wingman that automatically fixes your failing CI builds!

What does FlyCI offer?

FlyCI offers Wingman - an AI-driven agent that analyzes your failing workflows and suggests fixes to your builds. It collaborates with a LLM optimized to find fixes for issues like lint errors, typos, failing tests and more. Once Wingman finds a fix, it does code suggestions to your PRs.

And that's not all - to enable Wingman we use macOS M2 runners for GitHub Actions. Compared to GitHub, where M2 runners are not available, you get a faster runner for a better price in addition to your successful builds. To address any concerns for uncontrollable spending, we also offer fixed-price dedicated runners. Review pricing for more details.

And last, but not least, our support team is here to address any issues you face with GitHub Actions and CI/CD. Review the support packages FlyCI offers.

Why choosing FlyCI & Wingman?

There are multiple reasons to do it:

  • Better focus on impactful work instead of troubleshooting
  • Save time with Wingman automatically fixing your failing builds
  • Run all your workflows on fast M2 runners at a lower price than GitHub
  • Unprecedented customer support for GitHub Actions provided by developers for developers